Our Values

Our Values

At CONSILIO we are fully committed with our core values, solid pillars on which we base our activity:


Consilio, 100% owned by its partners and employees, is not involved in any other activity apart from financial and wealth advisory, nor does it receive any compensation for other concepts apart from its advisory activity, which is charged directly to its clients. Consequently, in accordance con European regulatory regime MIFIiD II, Consilio Asesores Patrimoniales Independientes EAF SLU has opt to be defined as an INDEPENDENT financial advisor firm.


As a consequence of our independence, our advice is free of any conflict of interests, without biases. There are no other selection-criteria of products and/or assets than their expected return, associated risks, liquidity profile, and implicit and explicit costs of investing in them.



We are completely transparent with our clients, both regarding the criteria used to make recommendations and when sharing all the information we have gathered in relation to any given investment. It is our commitment and responsibility to keep our clients informed and up-to-date on their investments.


We strive for the highest quality and rigour in our work. We are fully aware of the positive impact it has on our client's decisions and on their trust towards the firm, as well as on our credibility among the financial community (banks, advisors, investment banks, consulting companies, lawyers, etc.)

In addition, we fully identify ourselves with the following values, shared by our clients:
  • Appreciation for the EFFORT required to create and accumulate wealth.
  • Keen interest in INCREASING wealth over time, avoiding capital losses.
  • High regard for the services provided by PROFESSIONALS free of conflicts of interest.
  • Logical wish to TRANSFER wealth to the next generation.
  • Deep concern for the PRESERVATION of family-values and their transmission to future generations.
  • Enthusiasm for TRAINING & EDUCATION as the essential means to a proper understanding of the investment process.
  • In the case of institutions and corporations, recognizing that an appropriate planning enables the FUFILLMENT of the founding principles.